Fun Was Had at Sebastian's
Sunday, November 9, 2008 at 5:10PM
Darlah Potechin in chicadoro fiona at talemaker, rockhurst Abigail at talemaker

Abigail says to Fiona, I hear tell we are going over to someones house today to do that 'run like hell' game. Do you think we can deek him out? You take the left, I will take the right and confuse the hey out of him. Do you think it will work?

Do you know whose house it is?

I heard it was one of Wasabi's kids, Sebastian, from her last litter and he even catches a Frisbee in his mouth.

How cool is that?

Daddy didn't teach US that trick.

We hear he puts his nose on the Frisbee to flip it up.

Daddy - can you teach us that trick too?

Looking at this photo, the Frisbee almost looks like its too big to handle but Sebastian is running with it with ease.

Sebastian seems to be all excited to have the crew at his house sharing his home.

Well, all the dogs that went had a grand time. They had some kids to play with and our dogs adore kids.

Something about the Havanese and kids seem to fit quite nice.

Even momma Wasabi had a good time, she who always seems to be stylin' no matter where she goes. This is her after no bath since she was at Yvonnes - almost 4 weeks ago.

It's as if she is saying - I remember that smell - that big ball of fur.

Remember folks, socialize - socialize and socialize!

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