Dog Shows - Woodstock 2008
Wednesday, February 6, 2008 at 7:44AM
Darlah Potechin in Woodstock, bathing a havanese, beth obrecht, cheryl drake, dog shows, droebel, handlers, kathy ambler, norm fargo, owners

Well, I woke up in serious pain - actually been up half the night. My back hurts terribly and not sure why. I did manage to get the Woodstock dog show videos up on You Tube. You can find them here:

I couldn't match music - too long and you can't put it up as one file as You Tube has its limits so I had to do 4. I didn't make them slick - just way too much work when I have other things on my plate but it does allow you a view. I didn't not erase ANY copy so its crude. Sorry but the owners get to see what their handlers were doing and the owner handlers get to see what the other are doing in all their glory. The only thing I did was take out the audio. Sorry, Kathy - I did not get that winning face. Enjoy!
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 3 -
Part 4 - UPDATED
More later on the Talemaker crew after rest.

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