Socializing the Talemaker Havanese
Monday, February 9, 2009 at 12:00PM
Darlah Potechin in Talemaker havanese boarding toronto, havanese puppies toronto talemaker, havanese socialization

Our son Joseph was in from the navy and came by for a quick hello. It's his anniversary so he came into town to see his wife. We get that but it was great that he got to come by - say hello to the dogs and socialize them.

He's not here all that often so it's as if a stranger is coming to the dogs. The dogs warm up to him fast.

Joseph is a HUGE dog fan and his wife is getting there. She wants small like our Havanese - he wants large. Where did we go wrong?

But still he was rather smitten with the Treasure as you can see. He was also teaching her shakedown and she was placating him.

It's important to get your dogs to see all sorts of people. When taking them out, carry extra treats and have others feed your little one. Look for opportunities to expose your dogs to all sorts of sounds. people and other dogs/cats etc.

It's like dieting/exercise. You have to wrap your head around it and do it or nothing changes.

Well - off to handling tonight with Yvonne and crew. Should be fun!

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