Neck Deep in Puppies
Friday, August 7, 2009 at 5:37PM
Darlah Potechin in Talemaker havanese boarding toronto, havanese puppies toronto

This is the first born - son of Wasabi and our Kat. He's a true character and each one of these pups just cease to amaze me.

I know we have a puppy page at Talemaker Puppy Life but we just got in from running around outside and get this - the crew was already chasing Nathan. I had to laugh.

Not quite 6 weeks and already in a full run after him. I just love it!

Treasure wasn't sure what to make of the pups at first. She was highly curious but when they started trying to feed - she went oh oh. But now she is out there playing like a banshee. It all evolves. It's truly fun to watch!

How they go from drunken sailor to this so fast - well it's amazing!

The pups has added a grand amount of fun for our visitors and resident dawgs alike.

But Teddy will be going home tomorrow and we will miss his fun.

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