Treasure Loves the Show
Saturday, September 19, 2009 at 7:23AM
Darlah Potechin in conformation havanese, havanese puppies toronto, sudbury dog show, talemaker boarding toronto havanese

Treasure received a best puppy each day in breed and opposites she has been here and yesterday got a best puppy in group. The judge said she really liked her - that she has a presence in the ring. She almost gave her breed and said so.

Well, give Treasure a treat and she will do amazing things for you - ROFL Okay - she does like this show business.

Last night I bathed both Kat and Treasure for the show and I have to admit bathing them in a tub with low pressure makes that bathing beauty that Sylvie is talking about more desirable. Plus Val says it saves in product in a big way. My back is aching after bathing and this &*^%$ bed. But they are clean and looking semi good this morning to go back to the show. I try to get better but hard to in a make shift situation.

It's way cold here - 0 degrees. I guess summer is gone. Hope Toronto is warmer. Gad - I miss my dawgs and pups. Tomorrow I get to see them again and update the pages again too if I can muster the energy.

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