New & Old Friends at Talemaker Havanese
Friday, March 26, 2010 at 7:20PM
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Treasure & ObiWe had 1 new visitor come today and some of our regulars. It's exciting times. Check out the photos here.

This is Obi playing with Treasure. I think Treasure has taken over Abigail's role now that Abigail has pups.

Well, what can I say about our visitors? Obi does the stairs up and down and he's a wee pup of I think 3.5 months. He's hanging out with Treasure and with Shanty. He's fitting in really well. He's here till tomorrow or Sunday depending on the game score. That's another story. :-)

Cesar arrived and well Cesar is a great fun filled dog who I love to snap photos of. He just finds the fun with everyone. He ran up to me and slathered me with kisses.

Zack and Coco arrived and well they fit in as if they are always here. They tend to play with everyone and Coco tends to be curious always checking anything new out. Zack was already standing in line to get his treat after grooming. hahahaha

Remy is playing with Treasure a great deal but he is also branching out and playing with the rest of the crew especially with Zack. It's nice to see.

It's a crazy dawg house tonight and I love it!!

I can't wait till tomorrow to see what the day brings. Catch you then!

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