What is going on? I have been madly looking for old puppy photos for the calendar that Nathan is doing and I keep coming up with fun memories. That's the thing about photos - they have these memories attached to them. Sometime you should go back over your old ones and see what you remember.
Today the rain is coming yet again. We did greenies and they adore then but Wasabi ate half her beard - argh! I guess it will grow again. Be mindful of that especially if you are showing a dog.
Coco's car conditioning is going off without a hitch. Mia's jumping where she shouldn't be is a continual learning experience. It's the challenges that they offer you that make us realize life is a set of challenges and solutions need to be found. Why? Because you love them and they are worth it!
I bought a poker lottery ticket just to see what it is about. I lost of course and it was too fast of a loss for me. I do not think I will be buying again. 3 people bought them before me and guess what - they lost too. hehehe Perhaps it is a sign?? I do buy lottery tix from time to time and dream about the ultimate dog designed house - a mad sickness, I tell you. But it is fun to dream every now and then. Without dreams, what do we have?
Mia loves her mom so and plays with her as if she has a bond like none other but she finds Red Adait fascinating too.
Relationships are complicated in dogs and they can be so in humans too. We need to cultivate them, treasure and make the most of them. One never knows what life has in store.