Monday, October 31, 2011 at 6:23PM
Darlah in havanese puppies toronto talemaker

Can dogs get moody? Yes! Kat and Treaasure was on a roll today. It was as if they just was unhappy about everything. Oh they snapped out of it but gad isn't it enough to have humans crabby and here you have dawgs that are?

The difference is the dawgs just want to complain to each other and not necessarily to you but humans...well you know what happens when they are crabby.

We actually gave Treasure and Kat a time out and now they are back to normal. It is rare but yeah talk to the paw I just want to snooze and be left alone can happen. Don't let them get away with being grumpy or it will validate that this behavior is okay and it ISN'T!

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