Eugenia came over with Teaka and Dash to hang out with ours, get the duo tuckered out and enjoy watching.
Thing is we had Kona and Ty earlier so Spice was tired, Truffie was tired and the humans are tired.
WE also found out that Terra most likely has an ulcerative tumour. So no food after 6 pm as she may be getting operated on tomorrow when the gals are getting x-rays. So stressed is the operative word and one gets tired when they are stressed, I suppose.
We will know more tomorrow.
We really enjoyed Eugenia and her duo. I have to resize the photos but it won't be till tomorrow.
Reality is I should be getting ready for the vets tonight but I won't. I will rush around like a mad person tomorrow early. I hope I don't forget anything.
Photos of Dash and Teaka tomorrow.