Changing of the Colours
Monday, April 23, 2012 at 8:06PM
Darlah in talemaker havanese puppies for sale in toronto

Someone mentioned that Treasure was getting to be a darker apricot. I don't even notice it as I am with her all the time but they do change tones throughout their lives.

At one point she was pale almost a golden colour and now she is darker. I had to go through older photos to compare.

I rather like that about the havanese - how they change.

In bed Treasure is the dog that always is up next to me as if she is a 2nd skin when I am in bed. She does this till I don't know when and then I find her in the bathroom on the cool tiles. I know this as I do get up midstream at night. Don't we all as we get older.

In this crazy cold weather I find myself opening my window, turning on the fan and piling on the blankets and the dogs love it.

I used to hate being cold and now the dogs are loving it and Nathan is thinking I have lost my mind.

PS: One day I will stay in bed and if Risa had her way she would too and sleep till noon. Some dogs just love that sleeping in especially as they get older. I guess their needs and wants and desires change too just like us.

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