Nathan shoveled the deck and he needs to do it again - oh my. It's a slow and steady keeps coming thing. I have to wash Boo as he heads out tonight - but then again maybe not as flights have been cancelled everywhere including Toronto today but we must be ready. My grooming room is still a wreck. I have to brush all the dogs and shower. But here I sit typing away. hahahaha
Dick and Irma - you tell me. We can do this tomorrow too. I have been trying to be greedy and getting some learning time in while we are in this lull by having some weekends. If it is tomorrow you will have to do 10am as Cooper is going home at 11am.
Dusty says this white stuff is so much fun but this morning I sank into it to my neck. Where was Mommy's camera then? Silly lady. It should always be in her hand.
PS: The cleaning ladies have cancelled today (usual on Fridays) so I suppose I am supposed to clean. Friday is usually Dennis and my day off from that. :-) Got to have some treat.