Laci Visit
Tuesday, June 25, 2013 at 11:50AM
Darlah in havanese puppies for sale in ontario

We had a visit from Laci and her mom. It's been way too long and it was great to see her.

But if we do it in this heat again then I think we will have to do it inside. I saw Laci panting and all the pups panting. Even though we had cold water and ice in it the dogs were feeling the heat. In case you don't realize dogs pant to regulate their body temperature. If they are nonstop panting then you know they are too hot.

So next time if heat - INSIDE.

Thank you Deb for sharing her with us and I already planted the mandevilla. In this heat it is bound to flourish. Most appreciated and quite nice. I do love the tropicals!

I have a lot going on today between baths for others, grooming my own and a graduation we have to leave for at 330. I don't even know what I am wearing. hahahaha But I do have my cameras ready. One has to have their priorities straight. Seems the air conditioner is fixed but he has to fix something else and do a lube oil whatever so looks like Nathan will be walking in when our guest arrives - of course!

Thank gad for air and hoping this time it stays working as I can't fathom how it would be for the pups and Spice without never mind me. Still cost lots to fix but at least its fixed. Tomorrow a vet bill. hahahaha

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