It was fun. We were there for a long time as we had Bailey's class to do before and I went wow this will be too long but it went by fast and was fun. It was delightful to have Bailey. Check out Fiona's blog for a video and I will be adding a gallery of his pix later. Tricks class ends next week.
Nathan should be able to be at class as his show is first thing in the morning. Hooray!
Here are a few photos. Realize I didn't get photos of everything but in this tricks class everyone is outstanding.They know tricks that aren't even been taught.
The Kona Roll
Teaching Roll Over in the other direction
Even Jeannie Rolled and it was her first time.
Cha Cha on Play Bow - Oh My Gad does she hold it!
Magic doing play bow - wonderful!
Kona total focus sporting a new haircut - a rather nice one!
Jeannie gets award for most exhuberant tug play
Ty Touch so when do we start?
Look at Kona's focus with that distraction - wow!
Another view of Kona's New Haircut
Ty's Perfect Pray
Sibling Pray
Magic's Stand to Twirl wow
Kona excited twirl - wow
Cha Cha Feed me
Ty focused on the treat
Kona paw
Cha Cha perfect stay
I have so many more but they are all fabulous. I took extra of Kona last night as he had his first haircut and it came out quite nice!
It's raining and raining so maybe indoor play today. Desk did get cleaned. heh