Thank you to Irma, Dick, Timmy and Lilly for coming over. Not everyone went swimming. (I Didn't) but it was great to see them. I just wish it wasn't holiday weekend so it could have been for longer.
Tomorrow I have mega washes to do and Nathan and Jeannie to get ready for the shows. Yikes can Tuesday comeand go and guess what the air condition is not working again in the car and as his show schedule won't allow he may not get the car in till Wednesday. I hope it won't be too hot during that time.
Chewie swam. Riley wouldn't have any of it. Risa jumped in or fell in? My camera says jump. One second she was in the pool and we looked and went oh did she jump or did she fall in?
Roxie just wanted to swim and swim.
It was a fun time but not long enough. As I said not everyone wanted to swim but those that did had fun!