As Shoshi is cut short you can see her ticking. If I went a half of an inch all over her coat, which I did as she was a huge practice haircutting dog for me at one time, it would be even more obvious.
This is Shoshi with longer hair but not as long as she has now. As the white is more abundant you lose the appearance of the black until they are bathed.
This is Shoshi in full coat. You can no longer see the ticking. What it does do is give you an optical illusion that the hair is not a brilliant white as another dog without ticking but if you were to match up the whites next to each without the ticking playing a part you may be surprised that the whites are pretty brilliant. They have to be next to the black ticking otherwise it would give a grey appearance. Shoshi does not look grey as you can see. It's just a trick of the eye.
Ticking can be quite stunning.