Nice Warm Day
Wednesday, September 18, 2013 at 4:35PM
Darlah in havanese puppies for sale in richmond hill

It wasn't warm enough to swim but nice it was. Dusty dropped in to get a bath and her human mom played with the pups with her friends. See those photos on Spice's blog. Here are a few photos taken today.

Contemplating the stick.... - The Peppered One

Miss Risa... posing

Miss Adele Looking at me!

The Panda Bear

The Daisy Gal!

Logan and Kat are back at sniff hunting.

Scruffster the regal one!

Kona participating in the run game. Nathan gets out there and runs with them several times a day. I think Kona thinks that is a piece of heaven as he is so delightfully happy participating.

Dawgs are having a grand time. Each seem to be so full of enthusiasm today. Is it the weather or??

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