Life is grand at the pool!
Some even get extra cozie.
As you can see here.
There is always time to run and play.
It was a hot day. It's about time and tomorrow more heat so pool time it is!
Biggie and Ozzie (Ozzie departs tomorrow - sigh) rather enjoy each other!
Charlie is visiting and he rather likes the pool steps so maybe he will go in tomorrow.
Simba is here just for a bath and play. We really missed him!
Kat really likes Ozzie!
Okay, I need a brush but really must you? Everyone was brushed up today. :-)
Ozzie and Mabel had a blast today. We hope Mabel enjoyed her drive home. She comes to visit all the way from Kincardine. We appreciate the visits too! Ozzie just loved Mabel. I can understand why!
Every now and then we came in for air but after brush outs we were outside all afternoon. Mabel looks rather stunning all washed up don't you think? That closeup looks a lot like the Spice and Risa too.
Maxine was considering joining us in the pool.
The only thing that got me in tonight is needing to update the blog and the mosquitoes. Wish I had been able to swim earlier but perhaps I will groom late, swim early tomorrow and get some dogs in too.