Just a Few Photos
Saturday, January 10, 2015 at 7:02PM

Hand is still killing me. Nathan is being good to me. He is bathing, I am finishing and well I am not typing too much.

Adele is in heat (not being bred) and she is not happy. Can you tell? She is over in a week and she wants to be with her Inula.

She gets plenty of company including Risa in my office (family room). Risa thinks she died and went to heaven as she finds this room so inviting mostly due to the fact that the dogs are not allowed in when we have pups.

Spice is in heat too - just started. So now we have 3 in heat.

Roxie is thrilled that her puppy is visiting. She is very close to Ella but she is so delighted to see Holly!

Can you believe Panda was brushed. Oh she is a gal after my own heart. So there - brush me and I will make sure I look unbrushed 2 seconds later. Love it! Panda was so delighted to see Caelen and I think a tad bummed out when she left but she is back playing with Clarity.

Molly has been running her head off and she adores the pups. I have to laugh. Am hoping her human daddy is okay. Oscar's mom is now home and he departs in the morning. He gets to meet a new baby. Wow!

Don't have a photo of it but back on her legs Cha Cha was playing with Roxie. Be still my heart and the rest are indeed crazy playing but actually it is hurting to hold the camera. Now I understand why people have point and shoot cameras.

I want to add more photos but the hand is aching. I need to rest it so I can brush dogs tomorrow. Guess who is coming to visit soon? Kona and when he visits Jesse is going to be here - yes the Collie. We have a fun January and a quiet March. 

Inula thinks she can fit in anything.

More tomorrow.

Article originally appeared on talemakerhavanese.com (http://www.talemakerhavanese.com/).
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