Short Update
Thursday, January 22, 2015 at 4:21PM

Only got a few photos. Have class tonight and I know if I am updating after class its not going to happen. I also have to get treats ready and crates etc. So - enjoy what I have. -)

Thinking about it, Kona isn't concerned about Jesse at all. He will even play a game of retrieve with him. So, large, small its all about the attitude. 

Stick Run

Adele is happy to play with Inula again.

Too bad Dennis didn't get better photos but Kona was playing with the younger set. He rather likes Ella but he also likes Tiny.

They did a lot of running today. It always makes for a better sleep when they play and play.

A lot of photos came out like this but we try to get the action.

More tomorrow. Hand still is swollen but I can now make a fist. We are making progress.

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