No Photo Day
Monday, January 26, 2015 at 7:42PM

Seems I am having an issue uploading photos on the blog. I kept waiting to see if that would change and it isn't. So, this is the only blog I am updating and its not much of an update. I have placed in a report and I hope I can resume uploading photos tomorrow.

Maddie arrived in such a fun manner. She is a joy watching her play her heart out even as I type she is jumping over tunnels and having a blast.

Kona became my neck warmer today. Nathan had to take Dennis out to get a replacement retainer as he lost his. Not sure how but 300 dollars later he will have it next week. So, it was me and the dogs while they did that. So, I sat in the recliner surrounded by dogs and Kona snuggled into my neck.

Everyone either surrounded me or laid all over me as we settled in. It was a moment. I can't explain but a warm and cozy one for me and it happens all the time. It's the moments that I treasure.

Everyone played their hearts out today. Life is good for all. Tomorrow - a better update!

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