You Go Mabel
Wednesday, January 7, 2015 at 8:25AM

Just got these in email.

This is a game our trainer showed us to help keep Mabel busy when we can't get out for a walk. We hide treats under the tennis balls in a muffin tin. We also hide treats under cups and sometimes just around a room hidden under things. We took a seek and sniff class and I was always surprised at how tired she was after sniffing treats out :) I know this might not work very well for Talemaker with many dogs but for anyone with one or two?

I hope this finds you all well and warm!!

Winter is here ... The kids already had a snow day yesterday and it looks like another one tomorrow.

Thank you again for having Mabel she was really tuckered out and she needed the socialization.

Take care xoj

Game 1

Game 2

Thanks, Jayne as this is timely with the cold weather outside. It may add an element of fun. If the younger pups can't do it yet (do try) then try it again when a bit older. These are wonderful ways to work their minds.

PS: Jayne the pastries - what were they (butter tarts) were to DIE for!

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