Too Cold Brrr
Thursday, January 8, 2015 at 4:46PM

Well, Anne said it would warm up and now she is getting socked in with much snow. We wish teh snow stops and the Coops has fun in it! Us we are dealing with just cold, snow they say coming tonight.

Oscar is here as Mom had a baby and due to a c-section (unexpected) he is staying a tad longer. Molly also dropped in unexpected as her human dad is in the hospital with pnuemonia. Hoping both recover quickly and completely. Do not worry the dogs are having fun despite the deep cold. But we are thinking of you and hoping you are doing better!

The photo above is Kat smirking - yes smirking. Oh to read a dog's mind.

My crew have had their baths. Tomorrow Logan and Panda.

Caelen drops in for a visit - wow nice! Sunday many baths for others. Monday no baths - hooray. May make it my no grooming day.

The Brewski was posing today!

Let me back in. Don't you know its cold? Yeah sort of we do as we are outdoors with you.

Its just snow you know and brr cold.

Even the pups went out but no one went out for long.

Inula and Brewer would stay out forever but we won't allow.

Who is boss? Roxie thinks she is.

Snow rolling is the best!

Is it time to go back in?

Leti says I caught you Scruffy!

Where Scruffy goes....

Hey your head hair is growing. Is Scruffy being a good boy?

In the air play

Yes we went out. We played but brrr its so cold. We just go out twice as much as we can't go out for long.

Hoping for warmer weather. Not melting - just not bitter cold.... please....

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