Wins Today
Friday, February 6, 2015 at 5:02PM

Adele won Best of Winners and is now a champion. Inula won a group 3 and Buddy won best puppy in Breed. It made all the work worth it. I spent so much time trying to close all the splitties in Adele's hair brought on by her mad play with Inula that I thought it would be a miracle if she got her last point. Two and a half hours last night. My hand is killing me and I mean killing me. 

We just got a matted dog come and well Nathan is doing it. I say it as I am not telling who it is but oh boy. Now Nathan will 'get' what it takes to demat. Poor guy.

Will add photos taken today in a bit or maybe tomorrow. I groomed everyone today, got up at 545am and arrived downstairs at 6am all for this show. I know you are looking forward to the photos but maybe it can wait till my hand doesn't pain me each time I type? Even with that, we had a great day at the show.

The dogs here slept all over me and had a blast playing and well I will put up on photo as we had a game we did today.

We run down the paths and then up the paths. Maddie and Jesse were watching and each time they ran by Maddie would jump out to catch anyone that she could and Jesse would bark. I should have had a video but sometimes Brewer won, other times Cooper won, other times Kona won and so did the Scruffster and although I would like to say Pepper won, she would play this game of cutting off the head of the pack and therefore appear as if she ran the entire way. Poor Dennis is exhausted.

I will leave you with that thought. Nathan is home. I need rest and so does he.

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