What a Day
Saturday, February 7, 2015 at 4:45PM

Had this crazy idea of turning lots of photos into smaller versions to place on the blog and then realized I had too many so now I have smaller photos on a gallery. Here it is. Hope its okay even though the photos are smaller - sized to place on the blogs.

I am out of time. We have had a day. Our van is dead. The car was with the son and we decided to rent a van so Nathan could get to the show tomorrow as the car is not great in ice and snow. We booked a van at Enterprise. We were running a tad late but Enterprise said no problem we will wait for you. Well Nathan arrived and they were closed. So he had to cab it home. No van for tomorrow but he must go as all our equipment is there. They say 30cm of snow and ice. We are hoping he is okay for the drive.

We have also had 2 matted dogs that came in the door. We had a lunch we were invited to but had no car. We also have people arriving late as planes are late. But we are off to Ronnie's house (instead of lunch) with a few pups and maybe we will forget the day after our pickups. 

I am worried about Nathan driving the dogs but he must go. 

My hand is VERY VERY swollen. Shh but Nathan can't demat but he tried. I brushed all dogs plus did teeth. 

The dogs played their hearts out. They are all getting soaked as its that wet almost too warm so lets have rain that turns into snowballs on them and ices over. Joy - not.

I have a feeling I will be drying dogs at bedtime.

Article originally appeared on talemakerhavanese.com (http://www.talemakerhavanese.com/).
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