We had a blast. Raylan, Mac and Monty has gone home. WE had a visit with Steven and My this afternoon. It was good to see each other and then we went for a quick swim. Not sure how many more days we will have but our pool is closing the 1st week of October. I will miss it trememdously. If I hear anymore about how the heat is going up in the air I will scream as its my only escape and holiday where Nathan has his with the guys in November so......
Here is today's gallery. There is a lot of play shots. There are a lot of belly shots and some swimming.
Murphy has departed and we hope she is having a blast.
Can't wait to see everyone at Woofstock. Who is coming?
I thought I felt kicking from Roxie but I am not sure. Will try to feel when we watch tv tonight.
Daisy has dropped in. Teddy departs. So many changes. It's getting really quiet around here.