I vowed today not to groom so I could play recovery but I couldn't help myself. I did brush out most of the dogs. I didn't get to do Risa yet. I just looked at these photos and couldn't help myself. They do look like a motley crew but that also means they are having fun.
Baths for some tomorrow. See the gallery.
Well this is the week of news. The brown brindle Saffron girl will be going to her new home soon and the black and white will be kept. We went over both today and we like things about both for the show ring and allowed the potential people decide. We have mixed feelings as we love them both but it is time.
Trouble will also be heading to her home most likely on Friday.
Wow changes...
I am trying to go to the Pet show on Sunday. I think I need it. Nathan can't go as Dennis is still on sleep during day time.