Yes, that was Murphy before he departed today. Levon and Trigger also departed and that means my lap will be emptier tonight. Let's see who tries to fill it. Maybe it will be Cosmo or Daisy. Cosmo tends to choose Nathan. Hey, what about ME? Daisy splits her time between the both of us or heads off to upstairs to play with the grandkids till the pups arrive and then she decides downstairs is best. I do believe she thinks they are gremlins but at Cinnamon's age that changes.
As they left Leo and Pixie came in and so did Mabel and Velvet. Mabel and Velvet are just here for an overnight snooze.
We have (had) a really great group here. Weather is cooperating. I still haven't taken my forced air dryer out to blow leaves. There's tomorrow or maybe not. It depends on Jeannie, now doesn't it. Off to take her temperature again.