Look at Murphy. He floats in the air.
Well we have another class tonight but no photos or video. We have Murphy with us so I am it on taking the class with him. That means I can't do 2 things at once. Oh well, next week.
We had an interesting day. Zack stole a lamb chop off the table. tsk tsk. He was not happy with me trying to take it away from him. Teach me to leave it on the table.
Coco was standing on her back legs sniffing the air as she knew the chops were there. She didn'[t attempt to steal one. heh
We didn't swim. I just had the crew outdoors running their heads off. I am exhausted as I attempted to run with them. Maybe tomorrow will be a pool day and I will get some dogs in to swim with me. I like to get them in before baths. Easier that way and sometimes one needs easier.