This is an old photo of Adele. I didn't have time to click a camera.
I spent 3.5 hours dematting a dog. Please use a comb to find knots before they get felted - please. My hands hurt as I was gentle as can be with this dog but that long on a table is not fun for human or dog. I did not need to lose 4 hours of a day with what I have on my plate. But I am thankful it wasn't left longer.
What else is new?
Let's see our freezer and fridge (2 units died or almost died. They are both going on 25 years old so I shouldn't complain. The issue is it takes 4 to 5 hours to defrost the freezer and come Friday (yes watch them come when pups are going home) we get our replacements. It was either then or the end of the month. The freezer frosts up in hours so you can't even see what food you have in it. The fridge/freezer unit barely keeps things cool.
So, we need to empty a fridge and defrost and empty a freezer by Friday morning. I am laughing. So thank you to those that got their paperwork in. I also have class tomorrow night so Dennis said I will do it - no worries.
Now, I hope I do not come home to an insane amount of work. I may. I know from defrosts previously I had to do 4 loads of towels soaking up the water. I also figure Dennis will be heaving food. I have that strange feeling. So is it worth that to get out of the work? Stay tuned. Plus I have 2 pups to wash tomorrow and 1 going home before class.
Rocco departs tonight and that leaves only Adele and Bentley. Saffron is in deep - I want the Stone mode. No one else is in heat. So, I should count my blessings, I suppose.
I stayed up till 1130 last night doing bags to go home with pups.
So, no photos. I will try tomorrow. I will also be taking photos of the class tomorrow night.