When I groom a dog we usually have a fun time in-between with them and this was Winston's time. I took photos and Nathan played his heart out. This is so normal around this place. Got to have fun you know. The dogs aren't the only ones to have that!
Plus see that red thing waiting to be assembled? Sherry got Nathan a foot rest for the Adirondack chair. He is so jazzed and it was so unexpected. Thank you truly!!
We have a fun crew here. Molly, Roxy and Poppy depart today. They have had such an amazing amount of fun between puppy playing and getting muddy and just having fun. It does my heart good to see them happy.
Chester is in love with Cinnamon and when I say in love, I mean in love. If she is in the other room he is crying for her. Oh my. hahahahaha
We didn't have rain. The son cut the grass. I am still on meds. I am hoping tomorrow is the day of feeling great.
Heading back outside to hang out with the dogs and Nathan. I am trying to soak this crud out of me. The son reminds me - sun bring sun cancer. Thanks for that!