This Is How We Do It
Monday, August 21, 2017 at 6:34PM

I watched the dogs and Dennis watched the dogs and not once even with planes flying over did they look up at the sky or sun. I guess I am not an eclipse chaser and neither are they. I kept them inside during the time just in case but ....

Here is today's gallery.

Skylar and the puppy Milo really enjoy each other. They hung out quite a bit. Milo also hung out with Tenshi.

Ziggy departed and thought this lack of pool day was not fun. He had to have a mud free morning so he could go home halfway clean. heh Got to love him!

The dogs had fun today.

I am off to the Ex tomorrow so its Nathan and the son here. That means I do Skylar before I depart and the blog will be lean. 

They say 90% rain so I guess we are getting wet. 

Crossing my fingers the daughter gets the job she wants. That means no California trip but if its the right job....

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