Lots of Good Play
Friday, August 25, 2017 at 7:28PM

We have had a great summer - not weather wise but fun wise with the dogs and I am thankful for that. It feels so cool out already and I hope this is just momentary but the dogs seem to love it. Me, I want/need more pool. 

Here is today's gallery.

Tchibo goes home tonight. Milo tomorrow. Roxie will miss them immensely. Bissli also went home and he will be missed!

Trigger, Levon and Teddy run to the recliner whenever I enter the tv room. They love that lap time. It makes me feel good. Rocky loves to be a neck warmer on Nathan. hahahaha

Gizmo and Sebastian will depart this weekend. sigh. Holiday seasons (summer) are coming to a close. 

We are almost full for December holidays. Just enough room for 1 or 2. 

September remains busy. We will have Saffron pups. October more pups and we will have to start closing the pool, taking plants in and covering the trug. 

I am busy grooming everyone else's and fitting mine inbetween. 

Monday River and Panda go in for spaying and Kat and Risa goes in for a checkup. Tuesday Saffron gets an x-ray. River and Panda will recuperate here and be able to go home Friday. I will keep them groomed which is even more critical at this stage. It all times out as it is before Saffron has pups. 

I am bracing myself for more heats. They have yet to come but Ella will be bred when hers occurs. It will be a busy winter but hey my middle bed patio didn't happen. So much on my 'to do list' didn't. Maybe I will be better with my indoor to do lists. We shall see.

I have also decided that I think Fever Tree Tonic water is the best tonic water there is. 

Article originally appeared on talemakerhavanese.com (http://www.talemakerhavanese.com/).
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