Short Blog
Sunday, August 27, 2017 at 7:04PM

I still have Kat to groom. I just finished everyone a half hour ago and thanks to Sherry I can eat and blog at the same time. Thank you for the Chinese! I actually hadn't eaten today.

It's a crazy day as I had to do Panda, River and Kat (not Risa) for the vet visit tomorrow. Risa stayed perfect. Kat who was washed 2 days ago needs a full bath. Why? We have girls in heat and that means he goes and marks up a storm so to make it sound wonderful - sorry he is a pissy mess so I literally have to use this stuff that sits on his undersides for 30 minutes and then I can wash him. It lifts the yellow off. So just when you thought breeding was fun beyond the howling you have to wash boys daily - at least light shampoo rinse. Kat needs more and he was rinsed this morning. I am so lucky.

Boys that are getting a connection do not do this. So Stone stays clean. Truffie has to be rinsed too. 

So beyond the usual dogs going home that I had to do (no more Sunday grooming unless you are a boarder) I have this to contend with. 

So I washed and cut and groomed and I took a break and went into the pool. You will see my legs. It was only 30 minutes but needed. But now after I type I get to do Kat. Last night I groomed till 930. 

I know - stop complaining. 

Tomorrow night Nathan will return with the dogs and we will have River and Panda to take care of till Friday when they can go home. it's a busy week and I am so trying to get pool time in. Who cares about the weeds. 

Here is today's gallery.

Last night at 930 I sat down on the recliner and Scruffy, Pepper, Teddy and Cinnamon made a bee line for my lap. It felt good.

Now back to grooming.

Everyone is enjoying and its just Dennis and I tomorrow. 

Chewy, Riley and Gracie depart tomorrow. 

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