Two Updates Today
Monday, August 28, 2017 at 7:10PM

River After Spaying

Panda after spaying

Both are healthy and made it through the spaying well but they do not do pain well. I am in for a long night or two or three.

It's on me to watch them and be there for them tonight/ Hoping they sleep but if not, I am there for them. No more pain meds till tomorrow. Poor Julie came to the door and went what is that. Yes, you could hear them from my office to the front door. Just want to hug them and make the pain disappear. This too shall pass.

Risa had her teeth cleaned without anesthetic. She's okay but she's getting old. Well, she is old. Kat who is also a senior refused to let them do it manually so they did a round of tests and everything came back with flying colours so we have to book a teeth cleaning when we can. Hoping soon but with pups coming and heats and spaying arghh

Muntuno also got his teeth cleaned manually. Bravo Muntuno.

On a happier note doesn't Raven have the nicest smile? It's as if she holds a secret.

Here is today's gallery. It's not much as I have been busy trying to get my own dogs washed before pups. I still have a few to do. I only got Ella, Shoshi and Stormy done plus my usual schedule of dogs for others. 

I wanted to swim but it was bloody cold so why not groom.

Stormy cleans up nicely. 

Got to focus on Panda and River so I am signing off for now. Nathan still has to try to breed Adele. It's been a long day for him s well. Tomorrow morning xrays locally.

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