Sometimes it is Good to Chill
Tuesday, August 29, 2017 at 4:43PM

It's exceptionally grand to chill with Grannie Risa. The dogs really like this warm but coolish daze (yeah I meant to spell it that way). I would like it to be a tad warmer. 

We are busy through the long weekend then we are on puppy watch. 

I didn't get to sleep till 4am. I gave Panda pain meds this morning. River didn't get any and she thinks she is all well now. Panda is better than last night. River slept mostly, Panda did not and therefore I did not. Poor thing. I am hoping we all get sleep tonight as I am sort of trashed.

Here is the gallery.

Did you know groomers gladly accept tips especially when dogs are matted. :-) Just saying... I know shut up, Darlah!

I think I am just over tired.

I looked around at my yard today and went oh well....

Fall is coming. Weeds are coming... yuck. Can the dogs sit with me on the recliner and watch tv? 

The daughter is coming over to see Adele and River after work. Then I may find that recliner - and the dogs will find me. 

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