Tchibo departs tomorrow morning. We will miss him. He has really had some changes. He walks up and down the stairs. He jumps up on the chairs. He eats like he is starving. It has been a true pleasure having a puppy around. His parents will see the changes. I am off to give him his bath after I finish the blog.
We tried to get everyone in the pool. No one wanted to go and I mean no one. So we took out the 2 girls in heat as they have to be separate and they joined Hugo and Milo and had a blast. As they are segregated it is such a treat for them to do this.
They say more warm weather this week so maybe when the craziness of dogs running around the pool will not be great and more will decide the pool is for them. We will try. Lately only Roxie and Ella wants to go and of course Kat but Kat can't be out when the girls in heat are. Fun... not.