Raining Day
Sunday, September 3, 2017 at 4:48PM

Most of the day we had indoor play due to the rain. Here is today's gallery.

It's going to be a lean update day as we are still in recovery mode. I hope you understand. Pups coming 3 days early was not in our plans.

Everyone is playing well but it is pouring out. They say our only hot day will be tomorrow. I am going to try to get the last hoorah in the pool even if for 15 minutes. We shall see how I feel tomorrow buit looking at the weather forecast we are in deep fall weather for 14 days at least where everywhere else is going through a heat wave. Go figure. 

I look forward to sleeping with the dogs tonight and watching Saffron on the video. Dennis will be doing the night time duty. He could have done it last night but best that I did so I could do grooming when I got up. 

5 more hours and bedtime. 

Now off to help feed the dogs/

Article originally appeared on talemakerhavanese.com (http://www.talemakerhavanese.com/).
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