New Arrivals
Thursday, September 7, 2017 at 4:24PM

Cooper arrived and he keeps smiling. Got to laugh. See Gallery. Yes, Spicy arrived too and oh my gad she is having fun too but its bloody raining again so we have few photos and most indoors. They brought blankets and bagels and cream cheese. Yum. 2 fluffy baby comforters.

Coco and Doozie also arrived for a overnighter and is perfectly groomed so it will be fun keeping them clean. 

We also have Ozzie the mix Schnauzer here. Gracie departs tonight. It's a fun crew and it was great to see Cooper and Spicy. Russell really, really takes care of her hair well. It's back to being so silky. Nice!!

We are now going to feed and will try to keep everyone clean. 

Ah going to be an extra fun tv night!

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