Crazy Busy
Friday, September 8, 2017 at 7:44PM

Dennis took photos. Here is the gallery. I apologize if everyone is not there. I noticed the Coops and Patches and maybe Radar was not. I do not tell Dennis what to click as that would be staged so - sorry. I will ask him to take the missing dogs tomorrow.

I had 9 dogs to do and that meant haircuts etc. After I finish this blog I need to brush out everyone else. So, I figure I am done at bedtime. Due to pups coming early I had to delay some groomings and then add my usual, well I am exhausted. As tomorrow is just as bad, I can't even promise photos then but I will try. 

Dogs are having fun. Me, I need to sleep but I got to groom so off I go!

Thankfully Christine said wash them whenever so I fit them in today. Got their feet trimmed up, nails done and both rubbed their head and shook and I laughed.

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