Full Day
Saturday, September 9, 2017 at 8:14PM

MickeyThis is Mickey. He is Stone and Radar's brother. He was the only black and white in that litter. He has the silkiest hair. He was here for a grooming. I had a VERY full day grooming. These past 2 days I want to shoot myself and put my exhausted body out of misery but tomorrow I am off with the daughter to Pet Expo and the blogs will be lean for different reason. Poor Nathan gets to hold down the fort with Jon (if he gets up) till Dennis gets up. 

Here is the gallery.

There is a Rheo update on Roxie's bog so be sure to check it out! Happy 16 week -wow!

Did manage to get more photos cause I took them. hahahaha I hope I captured some moments like Cooper's tongue.

Yes, I groomed, I clicked, I groomed, I ate, I groomed, I clicked. One dog took me 3 hours. Another almost 4. Yes, this was a 12 hour day again. 

Spicy chooses to sleep with me. Lovely silky snuggles and Cooper with Nathan. 

Clarity finds the squirrels interesting. She barks and barks at them. 

Rocky is playing and it was great to have his dad see him play in person. 

Tchibo will eat everyone's food if allowed. He is so bloody cute, I tell you!

Jeannie is out of heat - and I am so happy. Jeannie, well I missed at night. You see when we are in heat Nathan has to sleep with the gals in heat and I get to sleep with the boys and some gals. The cost of them sleeping in bed with us. Now to get Inula out of heat but watch someone else will come in. That is why tv time is very important during these times but no tv tonight. 

Can't promise photos tomorrow but we shall see if the guys surprise me.

Article originally appeared on talemakerhavanese.com (http://www.talemakerhavanese.com/).
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