Be sure to also check out Roxie's blog for a happy birthday there!
The dogs were overly hot today so I wet them down and just combed and let the air dry. The house got awfully hot despite all the windows being on and lo and behold an hour ago the air guy came and we have air.
As it was so hot today and I was sweating buckets, I was such a miserable soul. Now I can go back to my jovial self.
Tonight the dryer wouldn't dry. The load I put in the morning was still wet and I had a vent sensor on. Dennis was sick - really sick and Nathan did go outside to remove lint but it was me that literally had to move everything around, climb behind the dryer, remove the venting and blow it out. Then the darn hose didn't want to go back but it did. I then had to climb into the laundry sink to get out. Now that was almost impossible. You can laugh. Then I got to put it all back and then wash Charlie the puppy departing tomorrow.
It worked!! I told Nathan he is lucky to have me. Oh and pool heater is working now too. I want you to know this has been a heck of a couple of weeks for repairs.
The dogs still manage to have fun and well to be honest when I am a grouch they make me smile so there is that!
I am ever so tired. George and Ringo arrived. It's a busy long weekend. But we have air and guess what - its cold tomorrow. Now this is funny.
Pixie and Leo I hear is doing well. I am glad we have the silver linings to get us by. I am glad we have the dogs and each other and well great dog people and friends.
Just know I am cuddling with the dogs tonight WITHOUT a cooling mat to cool me down. hahahaha The house is already getting comfortable. I LOVE the gazebo. The dogs and I sat out under it on the furniture cooler than the house and it was nice.
Sorry for the late blog!