Short Blog.... Teddy and Frannie arrived! Trigger and Levon departed - much missed!
Inula went in for a spay and is rather out of it. Kat went in for his teeth cleaning - first one in his whole life. Bloodwork was excellent. But he seemed to have an issue with the anesthesia and his heart almost stopped twice. When asked why she said most likely his age and the way he metabolized the anesthesia. She said I will not put him under again. He's too old. She was visibly upset. We were as well but he seems to have worked through the anesthesia completely. Spirit had baby teeth removed that was being stubborn. Both Inula and Spirit are out of it and sleeping with Nathan. Kat is with me. My focus needs to be with them so - yep short blog.
Dennis said everyone had fun. I am glad as we have been gone all day. We did get to see our friend's new house while we waited for the dogs.
Glad Kat made it through. Even very healthy I will not put a dog under at his age again. sigh