Hot Hot Today, Windy 
Friday, September 21, 2018 at 7:47PM

We were supposed to get a huge storm so we battened down the hatches, so to speak and the wind came. The sun was very hot. We had a ton of leaves in the pool. But here we sit still waiting for the hard rain. They say the cold front is coming in and socks will be needed. I do not have any - got to buy some so guess what - heat remain - please. :-)

Ella and Willow went into the pool as a last hoorah. I went into the pool. 

Here is the gallery.

Dogs were out with Nathan till a few minutes ago. Ottawa had a tornado - our family is okay.

No rain tomorrow - cooler but not cold. I just looked. Hooray!

Moxie got puppy time. 

We had a lot of snuggles while the dogs watched and felt the wind. I believe in conditioning if it is safe to do so. Everyone did well. 

As this storm moves through, I hope everyone stays safe. The weather channels says we are not out of the woods yet but I think we are. 

Snuggle time after the next blog is done. 

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