The dogs enjoyed the weather. It was a delightful day out and now it is cool.
I was able to sit on the deck - hooray.
Trigger and Levon depart tomorrow. The visit was too short. Last night Levon side saddled Trigger when on my lap. What I mean is he tried to edge him out of my lap. I thought - hmm I pay attention to Levon just as much as I do Trigger so what is that about? He makes me laugh. she's MY lap - not yours!
Tenshi loves, loves, loves the pups but only 1 on one. If they all come at her - she says no, I don't think so.
Tonight Nathan and I get out on a big date. After a drop off we are going shopping at Fortinos. LOL
Today I took in a few of my orchids. Here and there a little at a time. Only 4 today. i guess its that time.