This is Coco and Doozie. This is the time of year if you send us holiday photos, we will post.
We had a dusting of snow. The dogs played in and out and truly enjoyed their time. The puppies did too.
Bria, Ollie and Leo arrived. All are having fun in a huge way. Teddy and Pablo departed and they will be missed. The busy but fun season has begun. People ask what do you do for the holidays? I say - dogs. Hoping to fit in some take out food or maybe I will cook. It's a hard thing to do as we actually cook holiday treats etc for the dogs. That dehydrater and oven is going.
I do miss the family at this time and the celebrations that usually go with it but our kids are mostly everywhere and well work, dogs and really mom you are doing dogs...we know who is loved. I do love them too but I come with dogs - a reality! There is such a shortage of places of dog boarding at this time of the year and besides here they live at home, snuggled up to us in bed, playing games, doing runs and then there is tv time where my legs go numb with the dogs laying all over me. It is a special time of year.
Hopefully we will fit in good food and create memories. I hope the rest of you have an amazing holiday season!