Charlie and Spirit was going strong this morning. Without Nathan, we have a later breakfast. It suits Dennis and I. No rushing. We take them out, let them play and prepare breakfast. They have been eating at 8am vs 715am. I think they like it.
Spirit is done her heat so she had been crazy silly and happy as she can play with Charlie and the rest.
I got everyone combed out early today and thought hmm extra time and we ran out of dog food for dinner so off I went to Global to get some. Not on my plan to do today. That's done.
I am going to splurge and get blogs done early so I can do a full groom on a dog departing and eat Fajitas from Lonestar. If Nathan has burns on his arm, shorts and boats and eating out everyday, I can do one take out. So, treat tonight. I also bought chicken necks dehydrated as a treat for the dogs. There is a theme here, folks. Dogs and humans will be treating themselves and we deserve it, LOL
We had a mad dash at chasing the rabbit today. I think the dogs think its a game. The rabbit is WAY too fast for them. I am glad.