Chloe loves Stone. Everyone seems to love him.
Fergus loves Chloe. These 2 have really bonded to our son Dennis so you will see a few photos of them sleeping on his bed and chair in his room. They are doing really well.
Cooper and Spicy has arrived. Trigger and Levon will depart tonight.
Weather is awful when it comes to grooming. We had snow then rain then cloudy. That %$%^ Sky got into the mud again. What am I ever going to do with her? I may dress her up and see how that goes. LOL
Stormy remains totally in love with having Ajax here. Ajax likes to go in the puppy pen to play with the wee ones and then he has had enough. His fave was Poppy who departed.
I am still sick but better than yesterday. It's debatable on how much but progress.
Dogs played a grand game of hide and seek and almost all got it but not all. We will keep playing each day to see if they catch on. Dennis also does a wild game of run upstairs when its wet like this and it sounds like the running of the bulls. They look forward to it so much and expels their energy. Maybe that's why Dennis stays so slim.
Maybe I need to start running... again...
Oh and we have hail coming down at the moment. Thankfully we have gazebos. This way they can go out and they won't get pelted and we won't either!