As I type, Meadow, Misty and Cori are playing their hearts out with Saffron. Misty is trouble as she can now get up on the couch. I love her dearly but oh boy is she a puppy that finds trouble wherever it is.
I had plans on planting today. It didn't happen. I had 6 dogs to wash and tomorrow I have 7 but 2 are pups.
Pool was up to 85f but it was too cold. Meadow didn't think so and boy is she a strong swimmer. as I was grooming all day, Nathan dried her.
It is 5pm and I am done. I knocked a container of elastics on the floor not once but 3 times. That has to tell you something.
Although it is cold out, I have my windows open. I am trying to get a good exchange of fresh air. I think it's good for humans and canines.
Dogs have been playing hard today. I bought Woofstock tickets today for Nathan and I. I am looking forward to it on Saturday.