This is Jeannie before grooming. It rather suits her.
Play starts here at 7amish after they go out first thing in the morning and ends about 950pm. But they do take naps. We have open crates everywhere if they want to sleep in a hideaway or the couches, chairs, beds etc They do need naps daily - even the adults. They play so hard that they need down time to regroup and play again. But do they all sleep at once? No! Only the ones that decide to go with Nathan to take a nap. they have a solid couple of hours, if you can believe.
As it is still mucky, I was grooming all day. I just finished and we are about to get dinner ready.
Nathan is better - meds side effects. Not coronavirus. LOL We wash our hands so much.
Off to have dinner at the Keg tomorrow night with a dear friend.
Dennis had the crew running like crazy dawgs into this room or that and they were running after him. I want his energy! Don't we all?