Interesting enough Hallie said wow fun dogs... She reacted differently to Jesse the 1st few minutes. Perhaps Jesse has conditioned her. She certainly loves a dog in class taht is much larger than her.
Dogs had a blast today playing and playing.
I had a lovely dinner tonight with a dear friend. I had 2 keg sized gin and tonics. I may sleep tonight. LOL
Last class with the pups till Family Dog. How did the 4 weeks fly by so fast?
Mandy gets her bath on Saturday and departs Sunday.
Ellie, a Cinnamon pup will be staying over Saturday night so she gets to see Mandy before she departs.
Pingo is here and is playing his head off. Boy will he be tired when he goes home.
Meadow is playing with the big dogs, the pups - no issue. What fun!
Till tomorrow!